Nature-based solutions for Urban Flood Mitigation

Around the world, natural catchments are being continuously altered by humans for residential, industrial and commercial purposes. These activities directly affects the natural environment and often lead to irreversible changes. Urbanization results in the increased runoff, decreased infiltration and groundwater recharge, increased water temperatures in urban waterways, and altered habitat behaviours, all leading to reduced surface water quality. Though stormwater management systems are commonly implemented to contend with surface runoff from impervious areas, alternative techniques such as green roofs, bio-retention systems, permeable pavements, vegetative swales, and constructed wetlands and ponds are becoming popular as nature-based solutions (NBS) to mitigate risks of urban flooding and, in some cases, to complement existing stormwater management systems. Ideally, these alternative measures need to be distributed throughout the urban catchments in order to support natural hydrologic and environmental functions, associated with the retention, detention, evaporation, and recycling of stormwater.